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This wiki is powered by MediaWiki, copyright © 2001-2025 Magnus Manske, Brion Vibber, Lee Daniel Crocker, Tim Starling, Erik Möller, Gabriel Wicke, Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason, Niklas Laxström, Domas Mituzas, Rob Church, Yuri Astrakhan, Aryeh Gregor, Aaron Schulz, Andrew Garrett, Raimond Spekking, Alexandre Emsenhuber, Siebrand Mazeland, Chad Horohoe, Roan Kattouw, Trevor Parscal, Bryan Tong Minh, Sam Reed, Victor Vasiliev, Rotem Liss, Platonides, Ashar Voultoiz and others.

MediaWiki is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

MediaWiki is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA or read it online.

Installed software

Product Version
MediaWiki 1.17.5
PHP 5.2.8 (apache2handler)
MySQL 5.1.30

Installed extensions

Special pages
CheckUser (Version 2.3)Grants users with the appropriate permission the ability to check user's IP addresses and other information Tim Starling and Aaron Schulz
Nuke Gives administrators the ability to mass delete pages Brion Vibber
Parser hooks
Cite Adds <ref[ name=id]> and <references/> tags, for citations �var Arnfj�r� Bjarmason
ConfirmEdit Simple captcha implementation Brion Vibber
SpamBlacklist Regex-based anti-spam tool: MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist and MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist Tim Starling
Extension functions
confirmEditSetup, wfAdSenseExtension and wfCite
Parser extension tags
<adsense>, <gallery>, <html>, <nowiki>, <pre>, <ref> and <references>
Parser function hooks
anchorencode, basepagename, basepagenamee, defaultsort, displaytitle, filepath, formatdate, formatnum, fullpagename, fullpagenamee, fullurl, fullurle, gender, grammar, int, language, lc, lcfirst, localurl, localurle, namespace, namespacee, ns, nse, numberingroup, numberofactiveusers, numberofadmins, numberofarticles, numberofedits, numberoffiles, numberofpages, numberofusers, numberofviews, padleft, padright, pagename, pagenamee, pagesincategory, pagesize, plural, protectionlevel, special, subjectpagename, subjectpagenamee, subjectspace, subjectspacee, subpagename, subpagenamee, tag, talkpagename, talkpagenamee, talkspace, talkspacee, uc, ucfirst and urlencode
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